Gumještaj je produkt rada mladih dizajnera i arhitekata. Za vrijeme nastajanja samog projekta bilo je zanimljivo promatrati zadatak iz dvije perspektive – jedna sa većim fokusom na kontekst – prostor a druga na sadržaj – predmet. Koncept je proizašao iz analize postojećih prostora i sadržaja kompleksa SC.  Cijeli projekt je obilježila međusobna razmjena znanja i vještina iz koje je na koncu proizašao Gumještaj.

Gumniture is the result of work of young designers and architects. During the project development phase it was interesting to observe the task from two perspectives – one focused on the context – space, and the other on the content – object. The concept is a result of the analysis of the existing space and contents offered by the Student Centre. The synergy of two professions resulted in what the given space is lacking. In the process of solution implementation designers have designed the furniture, while the architects have decided upon its arrangement within the given space. The whole project is characterized by mutual exchange of knowledge and skills of which Gumniture was the final product.


1. Od kuda počinjete i kako?

Mi smo grupa mladih arhitekata i produkt dizajnera. Neki smo još na faksu, neki tek diplomirani, u svakom slučaju entuzijasti smo koji volimo svoje slobodno vrijeme ulagati u stvaranje zanimljivih rješenja u prostoru koji nas okružuje. U procesu stvaranja nastojimo korisnike što više angažirati u proces nastajanja, jer ipak su oni najbitniji faktor. Također, interdisciplinarni pristup i suradnja sa srodnim strukama uvijek daju zanimljive rezultate.

2. Kojim putem idete?

Često sudjelujemo na radionicama i sličnim projektima. Cilj nam je osnažiti znanja koja smo stekli na studiju. U potrazi za novim iskustvima stvaramo intervencije u prostoru, a dobre ideje i rad s alatima nam predstavljaju veliko zadovoljstvo.

3. Kuda želite stići?

Svoj ovogodišnji projekt nadopunjujemo, izlažemo i usavršavamo kako bi ga doveli na višu razinu. Mislimo da kvaliteta vrijedi više od kvantitete. U budućnosti želimo ostavljati tragove (intervencije) u prostoru koji čovjeku podižu kvalitetu života.


1. Where are you starting from and how?

 We are a group of young architects and product designers. Some of us still study, some of us just graduated, in any case we’re a group of enthusiasts who like to invest their free time into creating different solutions in the space that surrounds us. We do the research and examination first, then we design.

2. Which way are you going?

We often take part in workshops and similar projects. The goal is to improve the knowledge we gained while studying. In search of new experiences we create interventions in space, and good ideas combined with tools makes us all enjoy our work.

3. Where are you going to?

This year’s project is currently being developed, exhibited and updated so that we can improve it. To us, quality weighs more than quantity. In the future, we’d like to leave traces (interventions) in the area that sustains the quality of human life.