Woeishi Lean(1983. Innsbruck) stvara i producira između domena dizajna, tehnologije i živih vizualizacija. Iskustvo dobiva kao digitalni umjetnik te student multimedijske umjetnosti ali i tijekom tri intenzivne godine rada u sklopu Ars Electronica Futurelaba. Godine aktivnog bavljenja VJ -ingom važan su utjecaj u njegovom stvaralaštvu.

Woeishi Lean (1983, Innsbruck) creates and produces in and between the domains of design, technology and live visualizations. He gained experiences as a digital artist and a student of multimedia art as well as through the three years of intensive work as part of the Ars Electronica Futurelab. Years of working as a VJ had an impact on his creative output.


1. Od kud počinješ i kako?

Ne osjećam se vezanim za jedan medij. Iako je moj fokus na vizualnom, poticaj za rad dolazi iz želje za stvaranjem, proizvodnjom i izražavanjem. Početak je u grafitima, nastavilo se s tipografijom i tiskanim dizajnom do fotografije i dizajna pokreta. Posljednjih sam godina većinom istraživao generativne strategije i kodiranja vizualnih sadržaja.

2. Kojim putem ideš?

Stalno učim, ali to je i zabavni dio stvaranja, čak i kada rezultat ne doraste zamišljenome svejedno je zadovoljavajući ako ste naučili dosta samo dok ste stvarali. Nakon studija na Fakultetu za primijenjene znanosti u Salzburgu počeo sam raditi u centru „futurelab of the ars electronica“ u r&d odjelu, poslije toga sam većinom radio samostalno i tek tada sam shvatio koliko važno bilo imati oko sebe hrpu ljudi različitih vještina. Sad aktivno tragam za izmjenom znanja, za povratnom informacijom i utjecajima, s obzirom na to da su uvijek dolazili iz okruženja u kojemu sam bio. Trebalo mi je neko vrijeme da to primijetim.

3. Kamo želiš stići?

Jako se trudim ostati jasan, tečan. Sigurnije je ostati uz nešto u čemu ste dobri. Ali misao da bi radio jednu stvar cijeloga života pomalo me užasava. Nisam planirao krenuti ovim putem, i mogu reći da sad ne idem u nekom određenom smjeru. Dok god uživam u onome što radim, mislim da je to pravi smjer.


1. Where are you starting from and how?

I don’t feel like being bound to a certain type of media. Although my focus lies quite on visual things, my drive to do things just derives from liking to create, produce and sometimes express. Starting with graffiti, I came from typography to print design to photography and motion design. For the last years I’ve mainly been exploring generative strategies and coding visuals.

2. Which way are you going?

I’m still learning, but that’s also one fun-aspect of producing things. Even if the result of a project itself might not end up as expected, it is still satisfying if you feel like you learned a lot by just doing it. After studying at the University of Applied Sciences in Salzburg I immediately started working at the ‘futurelab of the ars electroncia’, it’s r&d department, after that I got self-employed and noticed for the first time how much worth it was to have a lot of people with different skills around all day. Now I have to seek for mind-exchange, feedback and influence actively, whereas it always came along with the environment I was in. Took a while to notice and learn that…

3. Where are you going to?

I’m trying hard to stay fluent. It’s more comfy to stay with something you’re reasonably good at. The perspective of doing kind of the same thing for the rest of my life, however, gives me creeps. I didn’t plan to come this way, and now I’m not heading anywhere specifically.  As long as I enjoy what I’m doing, it seems like being on the right way.