I’MM_ je novoosnovani Media lab u Zagrebu (lipanj, 2011.) kao dio programa Kulture promjene pri Studentskom centru Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.  Smješten je u likovnoj radionici unutar kompleksa kultne MM dvorane, a nastaje kao rezultat uspješne radionice ‘Artduino predstavlja Arduino’.

I’MM_ se sastoji od tri platforme: a) hacklab – radiona, b) otvorene vikend radionice s domaćim i internacionalnim instruktorima / hakerima / umjetnicima, c) media lab (teorija i kustoske prakse, predavanja međunarodnih predavača u području novih medija).

Naša radiona je otvorena za sve utorkom, u 20:00 sati, subotom u 17:00 sati – Dođite i budite spremni zamazati ruke!

I’MM_ is a newly founded Media lab in Zagreb (June, 2011) as a part of the Culture of Change programme at the Student Centre, University of Zagreb. It is located in an art workshop inside the cult MM Hall, and it was the result of a successful workshop ‘Artduino presents Arduino’.  

I’MM_ is consisted of three frames: a) hacklab, b) open workshops (domestic and international instructors, artists, hackers), c) media lab (theory and curatorial practices, international lecturers)

Our hacklab is opened for public on Tuesdays at 8PM, Saturdays at 5pm – Bring yourself and prepare to get your hands dirty!


1. Od kuda počinjete i kako?

Bavimo se vrlo širokim područjima open source hardwera i hakiranja elektroničkih uređaja i naprava, što uključuje elektroniku, programiranje, biologiju, kemiju, teoriju glazbe i vizualnu umjetnost, nove medije i slične kreativne forme izražavanja. Naše metode su DIY (Do-It-Yourself) i DIWO (Do-It-With-Others) i potpuno smo oduševljeni internacionalnom zajednicom koja se razvila oko cijele te priče unazad nekoliko godina. Otvoreni smo prema svima, ne bavimo se statusima i labelima, te podjednako zaiskrimo i na dobru umjetnost i na dobru znanost.

2. Kojim putem idete?

Idemo putem kontinuirane zaigrane edukacije kroz praksu metodama učenja putem pokušaja i učenjem putem pogrešaka. Naši su utjecaji zaista široki i mnogobrojni: od umjetnika do znanstvenika. Članovi našeg  laba su i studenti i već odrasli ljudi :) vrlo različitih backgrounda, od entuzijasta koji sklapaju neobične uređaje u svojim garažama i podrumima, do umjetnika i inženjera zainteresiranih za vrlo slične stvari, a opet različitih razina kompleksnosti. Naši su utjecaji također kontinuirani, od općih standarda svake pojedinačne discipline do najnovijih događanja u svijetu recimo 3D printanja, interaktivnog dizajna, ‘garažne znanosti’ i sl.

3. Kuda želite stići?

Cilj nam je kroz igru i edukaciju, kreativu i znanost pokazati ljudima kako je to kad umjetnici i tehničari rade zajedno na zanimljivim projektima. Kako je to kada se ukrštavaju naoko različite silnice koje zapravo pokazuju da su sve stvari povezane i da stvari koje su znanstvenicima i tehnološkim geekushama i geekovima samorazumljive ne moraju umjetnički navudrenim pojedincima biti nesavladive ili nedodirljive. Želimo demistificirati te stvari i pokazati ljudima da se ne boje tehnologije, već da je počnu koristiti u kreativne i praktične svrhe. Popis projekata koje bismo željeli raditi je zaista velik, pustimo strujni krug da odradi svoje. Iduće godine očekuje nas zaista veliki broj izložaba, radionica, performansa i koncerata na kojima ćete vidjeti što je to prema čemu idemo. Veselimo se vašim dolascima!


1. Where are you starting from and how?

We are engaged in a very wide scope of open source hardware and hacking of electronic devices, which includes electronics, programming, biology, chemistry, music theory and visual arts, new media and similar creative forms of expression. Our methods include DIY (Do-It-Yourself) and DIWO (Do-It-With-Others) approach and we are completely thrilled with the international community developed around this whole story couple of years back. We are open to everybody, we do not deal with status and labels, and we spark equally at the sight of good art and good science. 

2. Which way are you going?

We take the road of continuous playful education through practice, learning methods through trying and learning through mistakes. The variety of things that influence us is very broad and numerous: from artists to scientists. The members of our lab are both students and already grown-up people :) with very different backgrounds, from enthusiasts who make unusual devices in their garages and basements, to artists and engineers interested in very similar things, yet different in levels of complexity. Our influences are also continuous, from general standards of each individual discipline to the newest events in the world of, for example, 3D printing, interactive design, ‘garage science’, etc.

3. Where are you going to?

Our goal is to show people, through play and education, creativity and science, what it is like when artists and technicians work together on interesting projects. What it is like when seemingly different forces come together and actually demonstrate how everything is connected and that things that are self-explicable to scientists and technological geeks do not have to be invincible for or out of the reach of artistically wired individuals. We want to demystify those things and show people that they should not be afraid of technology, but to start using it for creative and practical purposes. The list of projects we would like to do is really big, but we should let the electrical circuit do its thing. Next year we will have many exhibitions, workshops, performances and gigs where you will be able to see where we are heading. We are looking forward to your attendance! 

Bavimo se vrlo širokim područjima open source hardwera i hakiranja elektroničkih uređaja i naprava, što uključuje elektroniku, programiranje, biologiju, kemiju, teoriju glazbe i vizualnu umjetnost, nove medije i slične kreativne forme izražavanja. Naše metode su DIY (Do-It-Yourself) i DIWO (Do-It-With-Others) i potpuno smo oduševljeni internacionalnom zajednicom koja se razvila oko cijele te priče unazad nekoliko godina. Otvoreni smo prema svima, ne bavimo se statusima i labelima, te podjednako zaiskrimo i na dobru umjetnost i na dobru znanost.

We are engaged in a very wide scope of open source hardware and hacking of electronic devices, which includes electronics, programming, biology, chemistry, music theory and visual arts, new media and similar creative forms of expression. Our methods include DIY (Do-It-Yourself) and DIWO (Do-It-With-Others) approach and we are completely thrilled with the international community developed around this whole story couple of years back. We are open to everybody, we do not deal with status and labels, and we spark equally at the sight of good art and good science.

Kontakt: deborahhustic@gmail.com