Gordan Tudor (1982., CRO) saksofonist i skladatelj. Školovao se u Splitu, Zagrebu, Amsterdamu i Parizu. Pobjednik je brojnih državnih i međunarodnih natjecanja saksofonista. Nastupao je po čitavoj Europi i Sjevernoj Americi u raznim komornim sastavima te kao solist s mnogim orkestrima. Dobitnik je Rektorove nagrade (2003.), nagrade Judita za najcjelovitije glazbeno ostvarenje na 52. Splitskom ljetu (2006.), Nagrade Zagrebačke filharmonije za najboljeg mladog glazbenika Hrvatske (1999.), LIONS CLUB GRAND PRIX-a (1999.), II nagrade na INTERNATIONAL COMPOSITION COMPETITION -MARENOSTRUM u Berlinu (2010.). Kao reproduktivni umjetnik praizveo je tridesetak skladbi hrvatskih i stranih autora, a kao skladatelj okušao se u raznim žanrovima i kombinacijama instrumenata. Skladbe su mu izvođene u Hrvatskoj, Sloveniji, Austriji, Nizozemskoj, Francuskoj, Njemačkoj, Češkoj i Americi. Sklada za kazalište i ples te animirane i dokumentarne filmove.

 Gordan Tudor (1982, HR), saxophonist and composer. Studied in Split, Zagreb, Amsterdam and Paris. Winner of many national and international saxophone competitions. Performed all over Europe and North America in many chamber ensembles as well as a solo musician with orchestras. He won the Rector’s Award in 2003, the Judita Music Award at the 52nd Split Summer in 2006, the Zagreb Philharmonic Award for Best Young Artist in 1999, the Lions Club Grand Prix in 1999, and the 2nd place award at the International Composition Competition – Marenostrum in Berlin in 2010. He has performed compositions by more than thirty national and international authors, and as a composer he has ventured into different genres and instruments. His compositions have been performed in Croatia, Slovenia, Austria, the Netherlands, France, Germany, the Czech Republic and the U.S. He also composes music for theater and dance performances as well as for animated and documentary films.

1. Od kud počinješ i kako?

Ne znam, ovo je vrlo teško pitanje… Čini mi se da počinjem od nekakve situacije, od nekog događaja kojemu sam svjedočio ili mi je prepričan…Vjerojatno počinjem i od ljudi oko sebe, od ljudi s ekrana, iz romana, s Interneta. Gotovo uvijek mi ideje dođu nakon nekog posebnog trenutka, trenutka prije kojeg je sve zamagljeno, a nakon kojeg je sve nekako jasno i jednostavno. Kao glazbenik, najlakše se izražavam zvukovima. Ponekad su ti zvukovi sami sebi svrha, a ponekad su dio veće priče.

2. Kojim putem ideš?

Smatram da je moj posao što više demistificirati suvremenu ozbiljnu glazbu. Naravno, ne je banalizirati, nego je još više približiti publici. Kao izvođač, skladatelj, ali i profesor čiji studenti uvježbavaju i sami interpretiraju glazbu današnjice, uvijek pokušavam istaknuti uzbudljivu stranu suvremene glazbe, njenu slobodnu i hrabru stranu.

3. Kamo želiš stići?

Konkretan cilj nemam, čini mi se da ga nikada nisam imao, bar ne što se tiče mog rada. Bitno mi je ne komplicirati stvari i da nekako uspijem pronaći vremena za sve svoje projekte i poslove. Definitivno bih volio nastaviti raditi s odličnim suradnicima kao i dosad, a to je i u kazalištu i u glazbi, ionako najvažnije.


1.Where are you starting from and how?

I don’t know, it’s a tough question. I think I start from a certain situation, from some event I have witnessed or was retold to me. I start from people around me, too, from people on the screen, from those in novels or on the internet. Almost always, ideas cross my mind after some special moment, a moment before which everything is blurred and after which everything become simple and clear. As a musician, I find it easiest to express with sounds. Sometimes, these are there for themselves and sometimes they become a part of a bigger story.

2. Which way are you going?

I think my job is to demystify contemporary classical music. Of course, sans trivialization, the goal is to make it closer to the audience. As a performer, composer and teacher whose students train and interpret music of today on their own, I always try to emphasize the exciting side of contemporary music, its free and courageous side.

3. Where are you going to?

I do not have a clear goal, I think I’ve never had one, at least not as far as my work goes. The important thing is to keep things simple and to find time for all projects. I would love to continue working with my excellent collaborators and to stay in music and theatre medium as long as possible.